Why do you feel so strongly about promoting and celebrating apprenticeships?
Apprenticeships are part of our DNA at BT Group as we have recruited and trained our engineers through this route for over 60 years. Our strong commitment to apprenticeships also stems directly from our senior leaders – a number of whom started their career as apprentices - as well as from the 1000s of people who have progressed from apprenticeships into a broader engineering career.
Because of what they mean to us and our staff, but also because of their impact in providing meaningful careers, we want to promote Advanced Apprenticeships and celebrate them at the National Apprenticeship Awards.
Why do you feel proud to sponsor Advanced Apprentice of the year category?
Many of us at BT Group are Apprentice Ambassadors who are deeply committed to promoting apprenticeships to others. Sponsoring this award, gives us a fabulous opportunity to recognise the hard work of apprentices and celebrate apprenticeships with all our colleagues and friends across the country at this annual event.
BT have seen first-hand how Advanced Apprenticeships train our colleagues and offer them great careers. So we are delighted to be celebrating their value and impact by sponsoring this specific award. More generally, Advanced Apprenticeships are an incredible stepping stone: for some they offer an alternative to continuing at school; for others the opportunity to learn something new; and for all, they teach valuable skills and give qualifications which allow learners to then progress to further qualifications, apprenticeships or promotions. All while earning.
What benefits has your organisation seen as a result of employing apprentices?
Apprenticeships have proven to be an incredible platform for BT Group to hire, develop and retain a diverse range of talent. Apprenticeships give our employees structured learning programmes enabling them to grow the skills they, and the business, need to be successful and competitive. At BT Group, we are really proud of our retention rates – almost 80% of learners who started with us five years ago are still with us - which are a testimony of the quality of our programme for which we have recently been ranked #4 best apprenticeship employer.