Featured Apprentice Story

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust

Amie Moore is a Receptionist in Clinical Neurophysiology. When the pandemic hit, the department's appointments were cancelled and Amie and her colleagues were 'redeployed'. Amie was deployed onto a COVID-19 ward as a Ward Clerk.

Amie had never been a Ward Clerk before, so this was a daunting experience. For the first few days, Amie went onto the ward to shadow experienced staff members and to learn this new job role. Amie then worked on this COVID-19 ward for 6 weeks!

This was very challenging for Amie and it was a big change to her normal job role but she gained a lot of experience from this job and dealt with the change in a professional way. Amie speaks highly of this experience, a particular highlight was supporting patients who were unable to have visitors due to the pandemic, Amie helped them by using the Trust iPads to facetime their relatives.

Amie saw what joy this brought to her patients and how much it helped the patients and also their relatives to be able to see and speak to them. This will help Amie in her future career as she enjoyed the ward environment and is now seeking job opportunities on a ward, her prior experience should help her achieve this.

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