Featured Apprentice Story

Kepier and Company Ltd

Kelly is a Data Analyst/Researcher for Kepier & Company, a Business and Management Consultancy business. She plays a key role in the delivery of one of our principal Sector Metrics contracts with a UK Government Department.

When I began working for Kepier & Company in 2018, I was looking for a new, exciting challenge in a sphere which would stay relevant for years to come. Having worked in the customer service industry for almost a decade, I saw first-hand how data was essential to enriching the consumer experience as well as being a great aid for managing employee efficiency and morale.

Kepier & Company are a very small team of seasoned business analysts, systems developers, and sector specialists and the team has largely stayed the same for the last 12 years. Coming into such a stable and intimate team with no prior experience in data analysis was initially quite daunting but I’ve been extremely lucky to have had continuous encouragement for my colleagues which has made the transition into the role far easier than I had expected. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, all Kepier employees became permanent home workers, though I’m pleased to say the morale and support between colleagues hasn’t wavered.

When I enrolled on my apprenticeship, I felt at ease knowing I would have a lot of support within the business to help me progress despite Kepier being such a small company. I’m the first employee within Kepier to have started an apprenticeship during my employment, and it has been a great confidence boost to be able to implement what I am learning within our daily processes. What sets Kepier aside from the businesses I’ve worked for in the past is the hands-on approach of our managing director, Mike, who takes a very active role in all of the day-to-day operations. His approach makes me feel like a valued member of the team and his support during my apprenticeship has really helped me when my confidence has been lacking.

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